拍摄说明:韩书力简介<br>1948年11月生于北京,1982年毕业于中央美术学院研究生班(导师贺友直、杨先让),1973年进藏学习、工作<br>至今。现任全国政协委员、中国美协理事、西藏美协主席、西藏书画院院长、中国西藏文化保护与发展协会常务理事、中国民族画院副院长、澳门美术协会艺术顾问、和平解放西藏60周年百幅唐卡工程艺委会主任。<br>作品《邦锦美朵》获第六届全国美展金质奖;《采云图》(与巴玛扎西合作)获第六届全国美展银质奖;《阳关》获首届黄胄美术基金特殊贡献奖;《邦锦美朵》获首届西藏珠峰文艺基金奖;《佛印》获第一届加拿大国际水墨大展金枫叶奖。1995-1996年,有幸得到吴作人先生耳提面命,并在其与丹增先生指导下,与阿旺扎巴、于小冬合作完成大型历史油画《金瓶掣签》。2007-2009年,创作国家重大历史题材美术作品《高原祥云---和平解放西藏》。<br>1989年至今,曾先后在巴黎、台北、东京、多伦多、俄亥俄、吉隆坡、新加坡、圣地亚哥、墨西哥城、悉尼、加德满都、开罗、香港、澳门、北京、上海、广州、深圳、珠海、福州、青岛、拉萨等地举办个展或联展。<br>已在海内外出版个人画集和文化随笔十数种。^_^Han Shuli Biography<br>Han Shuli (born in Nov. 1948, Beijing) finished graduate studies at Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1982 (Supervisor: He Youzhi, Yang Xianrang). He has been working and living in Tibet since 1973. <br>Han Shuli once serves as a National Committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the council member of China Artists Association (CAA), chairman of Tibet Artists Association, president of the Tibetan Painting & Calligraphy College and executive director of China Tibet Culture Protection and Development Association. He is also the vice president of Chinese Art Academy of Nationalities and an art advisor of Macao Fine Arts Association and director of the Artistic Committee of 100 - New - Thangka Project for the 60th Anniversary of peaceful Liberation of Tibet.<br>His work Spang rgyan me tog won the Golden Prize at the 6th National Fine Arts Exhibition, while Colorful Clouds (cooperated with Bama Tashi) was awarded the Silver Prize at the same exhibition. Yangguan Pass won him the Special Contribution Award presented by Huang Zhou Arts Foundation. Spang rgyan me tog also obtained the 1st Tibet Everest Art Fund Prize. And Buddha Seal was crowned with the Golden Maple Award in the First Canada International Ink Painting Exhibition. Under the direction of Mr. Wu Zuoren and Tenzin Namgyal, he accomplished the large-scale history painting Drawing Lots from A Golden Urn with Ngawang Drapa and Yu Xiaodong from 1995-1996. Between 2007 and 2009, he produced a historical work on the theme of a major national event - Auspicious Clouds over the Plateau Peaceful Liberation of Tibet. <br>Since 1989, Han Shuli has held solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions in Paris, Taipei, Tokyo, Toronto, Ohio, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, San Diego, Mexico City, Sydney, Katmandu, Cairo, Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Fuzhou, Qingdao, Lhasa and so on. <br>He has already published dozens of painting series and prose essays to worldwide audience.